Daughter of Edmundo González Urritia demanded the urgent release of Rafael Tudares 15 days after his kidnapping

Daughter of Edmundo González Urritia demanded the urgent release of Rafael Tudares 15 days after his kidnapping

Mariana González de Tudares and Rafael Tudares Bracho. | Photo: Courtesy


Mariana González de Tudares, daughter of the democratic opposition leader, Edmundo González Urrutia, and winner of Venezuela’s last presidential elections, demanded this Wednesday the urgent release for humanitarian reasons of her husband, Rafael Tudares Bracho.


Through a message shared on her X account, she recalled that 15 days have gone by since her husband was kidnapped by Chavismo officials on January 7th, in the presence of their two children.

“Today, January 22nd, I again ask for the urgent release, for humanitarian reasons, of my husband Rafael Tudares Bracho, father of my two children. Rafael was kidnapped by state officials on January 7th in the presence of our two children. It has been 15 days since his kidnapping,” wrote González.

Foto @MarianaGTudares