Edmundo González: I am here to accept the commitment to change Venezuela

Edmundo González: I am here to accept the commitment to change Venezuela


This Sunday, June 30th, the arrival of Edmundo González to the ‘Plaza Chipia’ in Puerto Ordaz was quite rushed, there was pushing, shouting, and hurdles for the press to do its job.

Pableysa Ostos / Correspondents lapatilla.1eye.us

Nevertheless, the event with workers from ‘basic industries’ (government’s mining and metallurgical concerns) as well as with other sectors took place under an unforgiving sun and scorching heat. During the activity, several union leaders had the opportunity to speak for 3 minutes each, and each presented proposals and complaints about what is happening in Bolívar State.

González promised them that from his first day in office he will end the persecution to which they have been subjected by Chavismo. While in relation to the issue of illegal mining he promised to fight it in order to recover the ecosystem and the exploitation of the deposits.

“This square smells of triumph. Dear friends of Puerto Ordaz, today I am here with you to formally accept together the commitment to change Venezuela. Next July 28th is called to be a date that marks a before and after in the history of our country,” he declared.

He added that “that will be the day when the will of each of the millions of Venezuelans will make the beacon of hope shine again. I am fully aware of the enormous difficulties to which this land has been subjected. These have been hard years in which we have seen one of the most extraordinary projects in the modern history of Venezuela destroyed. The development of Guyana is an aspiration that we can realize again. And I tell you something, we are going to make these aspirations concrete again.”

Supported by labor

For his part, César Soto, Sidor union leader Siderurgica del Orinoco, SIDOR, Venezuela’s iron and steel smelting corporation), expressed that the situation experienced by the ‘basic companies’ and their workers is a secret to no one. “At this event there were fellow workers who provided information about the wage destruction, the persecution, the repressive method that they are using with labor, all of this was reflected in those documents.”

“Today we came to take a step forward and put ourselves at the disposal of the country by supporting Edmundo González Urrutia for Venezuela’s presidency, with the electoral route created by the undisputed top leader in national matters that is María Corina Machado,” Soto stated.

After the workers’ intervention, Edmundo took the stand and promised that “the same day he takes over the Presidency of Venezuela, next January 10th, the persecutions against our workers will end.” This was applauded by those present at the meeting square.

A message of hope

“I hope to see all Venezuelan families united again. Those Guyanese who are outside their homeland rest assured that we will do everything to have them here again. Today, more than ever, an air of hope and change that will improve everyone, identifies and is perceived throughout Venezuela. It is our commitment to work tirelessly until next July 28th to achieve that change that we all long for,” Edmundo concluded.

Rachid Yasbek, regional President of Primero Justicia (opposition political party), summarized González’s visit saying that he left that important commitment, first, that the basic industries of Guyana will continue to be part of the country’s heritage. Second, eliminate all those obstacles to collective contracts, and third, eliminate corruption. “All these issues are going to be built from Guyana. That is the economic and political alternative of Venezuela. And we Guyanese are willing to take on the challenge. Let’s go with Edmundo for everyone.”

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