María Corina Machado confirmed her visit to Mérida and Táchira in the Venezuelan Andes

María Corina Machado confirmed her visit to Mérida and Táchira in the Venezuelan Andes

Pobladores de Cojedes saludaron a María Corina Machado durante su paso por Macapo. Foto: Vente Venezuela





“This week we start the tour of the Andes starting tomorrow (Tuesday). Finally, we arrive in Mérida, we will be tomorrow in the city of Mérida and also in Lagunillas. On Wednesday in El Vigía… And then we will go to Táchira, we will start in La Tendida, Colón, Coloncito and we will arrive in San Cristóbal on Friday,” the opposition leader María Corina Machado announced through her social network accounts.

Luz Dary Depablos / Correspondent

“We want to be with all of you, ‘gochos del alma’ (gocho is a moniker for Andean, ‘Dear Gochos’), where this whole process began and I know that we are going to give a monumental demonstration,” MCM emphasized as part of the tour she has been making throughout Venezuela in support of the presidential candidate Edmundo González.

Likewise, she spoke about the Electoral Gazette dated June 20th, in which the regime mangled the electoral regulation and “for the first time in electoral history, they impose a new requirement and that is that witnesses have to vote at that voting center. This had never happened. This is happening four days before the process of nominating witnesses before the CNE registry begins,” she said.

“Rest assured, because just as we have overcome all the obstacles, we are also going to overcome this crude and monumental one at every table in every voting center,” she pointed out.

Likewise, she reported that 49,715 ‘Comanditos’ (little activity groups) have already been formed throughout the country, in addition to highlighting that citizens are convinced that each Venezuelan will be in charge of defending their vote on July 28th.

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