Corpoelec, not only cuts off the electricity, but also “cuts trees down without rhyme or reason” in Maracay

Corpoelec, not only cuts off the electricity, but also “cuts trees down without rhyme or reason” in Maracay


Corpoelec crews indiscriminately carried out a devastating felling of trees that were on Andrés Bello Avenue in Maracay, specifically on El Canal Street in the Los Olivos sector. correspondent

This was reported by the President of the non governmemtal environmental organization “Sembramos Todos”, Enrique García, who reported that the felled trees were healthy and many of them were not even close to the power lines, thus repeating the pattern recently seen also on “Universidad” Avenue in the Mario Briceño Iragorry Municipality.

Likewise, he pointed out that the execution was arbitrary, without supervision by environmental authorities and without compliance with security measures to protect passersby. In addition, he regretted that the trees had been “topped and unbalanced,” while the waste was thrown into an adjacent canal.

“Tree waste was irresponsibly thrown into the canal, we do not know if the mandatory permits were requested to cut down the affected trees, but we are sure that, if no action is taken against these unscrupulous people, other avenues with large trees will also be victims, among them surely ‘Las Delicias’ Avenue,” he insisted.

García explained that among the species irreparably affected are apamates, veras, yacures, ponsigués, pomegranates, caro caros, mahogany and other species that were planted and maintained by the community and merchants in the area.

In this sense, he made an urgent call to the Girardot mayor’s office, the state government, the Ministry of Ecosocialism and the Public Ministry, to investigate these events and take firm measures. “It is crucial to delimit the powers of Corpoelec and its crews, as well as determine responsibilities and apply sanctions as stipulated by law,” he pointed out.