Despite “operation morrocoy”, young people in Monagas State continue to enroll in Venezuela’s REP

Despite “operation morrocoy”, young people in Monagas State continue to enroll in Venezuela’s REP

Despite “operation morrocoy” (operation slowdown), young people in Monagas State continue to enroll in Venezuela’s Permanent Electoral Registry (REP, Voting registry)


With only five days left until the closing of the special period for registration and updating of data at the CNE (National Electoral Council), many young people in Monagas State continue to register to participate in the next presidential elections on July 28th. correspondent

According to opposition councilwoman Silvia Allen’s opinion, who belongs to the ‘Movimiento Ciudadanos Libertarios’ (Libertarian Citizens Movement) in the municipality of Maturín, there have been various irregularities that have occurred during this registration period. The electrical failures and the ‘morrocoy operation’ (slowdown) applied by CNE officials are the main obstacles that young people have faced in this state to be able to register.

“In the case of Monagas, we have seen queues of two hours, three hours, of young people who want to register in the Permanent Electoral Registry (REP). A system that should be very fast, very simple, has become a very slow operation by CNE officials, but despite this, the people of Monagas have flocked the centers to register,” Allen stated.

She indicated that they have been able to gather information that in the municipalities of Santa Bárbara, Uracoa and Sotillo, no fixed registration points were installed and there have only been traveling points, which she assured has had the consequence that expectations regarding mass registration are not met.

The councilor expressed her concern after the balance offered by the president of the CNE, Elvis Amoroso, in which just over 400,000 young people have registered throughout the country. She recalled that in Venezuela there are more than 3,000,000 new potential voters who have not yet registered in the Electoral Registry.

“We see that very few have registered so far and that worries us. That is why the call that we continue to make to young people, that we have five days left to register in the Electoral Registry and that registering is part of being citizens and fighting for the vote and fighting for the freedom of Venezuela,” said the councilwoman.

Finally, she questioned the lack of information in relation to the mobile registration points, since citizens are not informed in advance of their placement, but only on the day they are installed. In many cases, it is through the ‘CLAP’ WhatsApp groups where it is reported that a traveling point has been installed in a community in the region.