VP Coordinator in Barinas State: Venezuela’s electoral objective must be met with María Corina Machado at the helm

VP Coordinator in Barinas State: Venezuela’s electoral objective must be met with María Corina Machado at the helm

VP Coordinator in Barinas State: Venezuela’s electoral objective must be met with María Corina Machado at the helm


Venezuela’s opposition plans for July 28th cannot change, according to José Gregorio Colina, coordinator of the political party ‘Voluntad Popular’ in Barinas State, considering that the objective of removing Maduro and eradicating Chavismo in Venezuela, “must be met by having María Corina Machado leading.”

lapatilla.1eye.us correspondent

The political leader, who is also one of the liaisons of Machado’s command in this plains state, said that political analysts know what is going to happen, if the electoral route remains as proposed by the winner of the Primary on October 22nd of 2023.

“We respect all the leaderships that the political parties have, but there is a historical and democratic reality, which derives from the fact that people will only vote for whoever appears or is the current person with the most votes among all the opposition factors.”

For Colina it is also realistic to understand that Venezuela’s October Primary had strength and the voters believe that it is enough to maintain hope for change, and this is being felt by the Chavista government itself.

“The offenses and fights are unnecessary. We must maintain respect and be calm,” recommended José Gregorio Colina, “so that together in the Unitary Platform we can continue rowing safely towards electoral victory.”