Small and medium industry in Carabobo asks to invest in education to overcome Venezuela’s technological lag

Small and medium industry in Carabobo asks to invest in education to overcome Venezuela’s technological lag

Pequeña y mediana industria en Carabobo pide invertir en educación para superar rezago tecnológico




The President of the Chamber of Small, Medium Industrial and Craftsmen of Carabobo (Capemiac), Isaac Pérez Yunis, reported that there is a lag in terms of technology in Carabobo’s industry, which is why he considered it very necessary to invest in education to achieve a transition towards the “Fourth Industrial Revolution”. correspondent

Pérez Yunis explained that currently the assembly lines are coupled to the second Industrial Revolution. He stated that they are not working with Artificial Intelligence tools, “Big Data or the Internet of Things.”

“We have to move forward together in a public-private synergy with the universities that allows us, of course, to overcome this technological gap,” he said.

He pointed out that one of the proposals promoted by Capemiac is the modification of the Organic Law of Science, Technology and Innovation, with the objective that the funds go directly to the universities so diverse projects of this type can be financed.

“The technological gap today is more than 20 or 30 years. Without a doubt, it is essential to be able to achieve this transition towards the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which is what small and medium-sized industrialists are looking for,” he reiterated.

Public services

Pérez Yunis highlighted the need to work in alliances between the public and private sectors to improve public services such as electricity, water, collection of solid waste and other services. He mentioned that in terms of connectivity, alliances have already been established with private companies.

He stated that in every industrial zone of the state, between three and four blackouts are recorded daily.

“We have had conversations with Corpoelec (Government’s electrical monopoly) to try to institute a working schedule to plan electrical outages. This would allow us to better schedule production and not have the high levels of losses that we are all experiencing, because we do not have that direct communication,” he said.

The President of Capemiac commented that another area that must be improved is the tax code and tax pressure.

“Buying a ream of paper for small and medium-sized industries should not represent a large financial transaction, as is the case today. Tax harmonization mechanisms must be found that allow the sustainability of small and medium-sized industries,” he stated.