OVV Carabobo denounces lack of information on violent deaths: impunity on the rise

OVV Carabobo denounces lack of information on violent deaths: impunity on the rise

Foto: Referencial

The Venezuelan Observatory of Violence (OVV) in Carabobo State reported that 46% of the violent deaths registered in the month of May correspond to “deaths under investigation”, and thus the perpetrators and the motive for the murders are unknown.

Correspondent lapatilla.1eye.us

The ONG OVV Carabobo reported that, according to what was reported in local media, by the end of May there were 24 murders: 20 men and 4 women, of which 11 were described by the Scientific, Penal and Forensic Investigation Corps (Cicpc), as “deaths under investigation”.

The report details that in most cases, the victims do not have identification documents and their bodies are found tossed by the side of public roads.

The OVV Carabobo pointed out that of the 11 victims, nine were men and two women. All these cases have in common that the bodies of the victims were found by passers-by in the areas, who then reported the news to the police.

He explained that in the case of the women, they were found next to each other at the scene.

In the document, the OVV indicates that the weapon used in nine of the cases was a firearm and a blunt object in the other two. The data of the perpetrators and motive for the crimes are unknown.

The bodies of the victims were found in the municipalities of Valencia, Libertador, Guacara, Los Guayos, Carlos Arvelo and Juan José Mora.

“The police agencies in charge of the investigations to clear out these events do not provide information on the progress and findings regarding these cases. The relatives of the victims who managed to be identified in the absence of an official response go to the media to publicly request justice because misinformation about the facts favors impunity,” the text reads.

The OVV in Carabobo highlighted that 66.4% of violent deaths (homicides, police intervention, investigation) registered in Carabobo State during 2022, remain as “deaths under investigation”.