Candidate for the presidency of Fedecámaras: Venezuela needs to promote the transformation of its productive apparatus

Candidate for the presidency of Fedecámaras: Venezuela needs to promote the transformation of its productive apparatus


Businessmen and entrepreneurs assure that mechanisms with a guarantee for its permanence over time should be established to encourage investment, taking advantage of the natural potential in each area.

By Correspondent

“We will do everything that needs to be done to influence the formulation of the State’s public policies because today, more than ever, Venezuela needs to promote the transformation of its productive apparatus and consolidate the development of its free enterprise.”

This was stated by Pedro Rivas, candidate for the presidency of Fedecámaras, during his meeting with the chambers and associations of commerce of the eastern region.

For example, some productive areas should have processing plants nearby, which would prevent the loss of raw material due to difficulties in transportation.

Rivas is a producer in the agricultural sector the former President of Fedeagro, former treasurer of Fedecámaras and was Second Vice President of Fedecámaras. He defines himself as a trade unionist, businessman and producer with more than 40 years in the sector and considers that there are plenty of reasons to continue working full time for Venezuela.

As a candidate for the Presidency of Fedecámaras, he proposes to strengthen the unity of the trade union and promote the representativeness of businessmen, and the constitution of new chambers and associations.

On the tour he was accompanied by businessman Eduardo Garmendia, a former member of the executive committee of the business association leadership.
