Professor Ángel Andara, fromrom the Association of Professors of the University of Los Andes in Mérida (ULA), spoke about the critical situation faced by university professors in Venezuela.
By La Patilla – Jesús Quintero
Dec 05, 2022
With regard to commemorating this December 5th as the Day of the University Professor, Mr. Andara pointed out that “it is a day of resistance in which the university professor continues to fight, despite the conditions to which the Chavista regime has driven the universities in Venezuela.”
Furthermore, he added that “the labor and socioeconomic conditions in which we work, become an act of resistance, where today the teachers are perhaps the worst paid professionals in the Republic.”
The monthly salary of a higher-ranking university professor in Venezuela is 522,16 bolivars, as documented by the ULA Human Rights Observatory for its most recent report on health and social protection of all university personnel.
At the official exchange rate of the Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV) that was quoted for this Monday, December 5th, 2022, at 11,69 Bs per US dollar, that amount is only about 44 U.S. dollars, and that is the salary that tenured university professor receives monthly.
But if the conversion is made using the “parallel dollar” (unofficial/street) as the referential rate, which was quoted this Monday, December 5th, at 14.14 Bs, the teacher’s salary barely reaches 36.91 U.S. dollars per month.
According to Cendas-FVM, the family food basket for October 2022 (last recorded report) was at $459.08 U.S., which means that a university professor would need at least of 44 salaries to cover basic expenses.
Read More: La Patilla – A Venezuelan university professor needs at least 40 minimum wages to cover the family food basket