César Pérez Vivas: Our first proposal is to change the failed socialist model

César Pérez Vivas: Our first proposal is to change the failed socialist model

César Pérez Vivas: To change the failed socialist model is the first thing we propose


During a visit to Monagas State, the political leader and former Governor of Táchira state, César Pérez Vivas, officially presented his presidential candidacy for the opposition primaries in which he stated that he was ready to “confront Nicolás Maduro.”

Correspondent lapatilla.1eye.us

The former Deputy to the National Assembly during various periods, pointed that his candidacy arises from a citizen’s initiative and not from traditional political parties, which have also been prosecuted. In this case, he will be supported by the political organization Concertación Ciudadana.

“This candidacy is because it hurts me that more than 7 million Venezuelans have had to leave of the country, because millions of families have been fractured, 80% do not have food, because their salary is not enough. Faced with all this tragedy, I propose a series of changes: the first, to move away from the failed socialist model to the democratic model, as well as to eliminate presidential re-election. In the same way, reduce the period from six to five years, as well as promote the double round in the elections,” stated Pérez Vivas.

He criticized that the National Assembly does not enact laws that benefit the citizenry, but that laws are promulgated from Miraflores, for which he assured that if he wins, he would eliminate the “enabling” laws that the regime has used to legislate.

“There has to be alternation in power, it cannot be that a person perpetuates himself for years in government. If there is democracy, there will be a free economy. One proposal that I make is to change from a socialist economy to a free market economy that allows paying living wages, and one of the changes that I would make will be a new oil opening,” said the politician from Táchira State.

Regarding the restart of the dialogue in Mexico, he asked Gerardo Blyde to address the issue of political prisoners in the negotiations. He described as “lack of seriousness” that Chavismo includes Camila Fabri, wife of Alex Saab, in this dialogue round, despite not being a Venezuelan citizen and being investigated in Italy for different irregularities.

Similarly, on the electoral issue, he added that Maduro does not want people to vote, so despite requesting two months ago to open the Electoral Registry, this has not been done, but only in the state capitals. In his opinion, this action prevents millions of Venezuelans from participating inside and outside the country.