On behalf of the people of Venezuela, as Interim President and representative of the only legitimate and democratic National Public Power of our nation, we express our support to the Ukrainian people and President Zelensky after the unjustifiable and atrocious military invasion perpetrated by President Putin, backed by the dictatorship of Nicolás Maduro.
By Centro de Comunicación Nacional
Feb 24, 2022
I want to be very clear: the Interim Government of Venezuela, the National Assembly, the Unitary Platform and the Venezuelan people do not recognize the alleged “new republics” artificially created under a pretext of selfish geopolitical interest, and, on the contrary, we recognize the indivisible and inalienable nature of the sovereignty of the Ukrainian people over their territory. We strongly condemn the ignominious aggression against Ukraine, which today dismays and outrages all freedom loving nations governed by democratic principles.
To the brave Ukrainian people: our words of encouragement, and, above all, our deep admiration in these hard hours. They have shown courage and determination to defend their nation in the face of global authoritarianism and governments that seek to violate their sovereignty for the most dastardly purposes.
Venezuela does not forget the solidarity of the Ukrainian people. Today we remember how in 2014, while thousands of Venezuelans were in the streets defending democracy, our flag was raised in the streets of Ukraine in the midst of the Maidan.
What is happening in Ukraine, and the alarming support shown by the Venezuelan dictatorship to the very serious decision taken by the Russian Federation against its nation, is a new proof that the Maduro regime is part of the international catalog of autocracies that support each other, without hesitation, to perpetrate attacks against the democracies of the free world.
All of us who consider ourselves democrats throughout the world must act together: today it is Ukraine, and at the same time it is Venezuela, it is Nicaragua, it is Cuba and it is Belarus.
President Zelensky, please know, that you can count on me and on the freedom loving people of Venezuelan as allies to defend your people and your cause, which is also ours: the freedom of our nations in the face of the systematic threats posed by authoritarianism.
Read More: Centro de Comunicación Nacional – Statement by the Interim President of Venezuela Juan Guaidó in support of the Ukrainian people and in rejection of the Russian invasion supported by the dictatorship of Nicolás Maduro