El Comando de Defensa Aeroespacial Integral (Codai), adscrito al Cuerpo Estratégico Operacional de la Fuerzas Armadas (Ceofanb), del régimen de Nicolás Maduro instaló en el complejo petroquímico Morón, estado Carabobo, el sistema misilístico de defensa ruso BUK, Zu-23 e Igla.
La información la compartió CNW en Twitter quien destalló que los lanzadores BUK se colocaron más cerca del complejo petroquímico, asimismo, otros tres lanzadores, se instalaron a cientos de metros al oeste del recinto.
We can geolocate the exact locations of the BUK launchers. 1 is placed closer to the petrochemical complex which can be seen in the background. 3 more launchers were placed a few hundred meteres away to the west of the complex. pic.twitter.com/tIyXNj8KVJ
— CNW (@ConflictsW) June 25, 2020
These photos from the beach we can easily geolocate. The tanker seen in the photo can be viewed on Marine Traffic as being in that location just off the coast, we can even see exactly which bush they parked the Fuerte Tiuna armoured vehicle behind in one of the photos pic.twitter.com/zF22YUt3hu
— CNW (@ConflictsW) June 25, 2020
Other photos were uploaded showing the BUKs being transported to Moron. pic.twitter.com/g74NICaeZE
— CNW (@ConflictsW) June 25, 2020