La Policía ha disparado gas lacrimógeno y balas de goma en el área residencial de Wong Tai Sin para dispersar a manifestantes que habrían lanzado bombas molotov. De momento, se reportan al menos 15 personas heridas en los disturbios, una de ellas en estado crítico, según una autoridad hospitalaria.
Los manifestantes denuncian además la violación, según ellos, del principio de “Un país, dos sistemas”, que les otorga libertades no conocidas en el resto del país y que se acordó en el momento de la devolución hace 22 años a China de esta excolonia británica.
Este martes, mientras China festejó por todo lo alto el 70º aniversario de la creación de la República Popular, proclamada por los comunistas en 1949, el movimiento prodemocracia convocó en Hong Kong nuevas manifestaciones para expresar su rechazo al régimen chino.
The more rebuttal there is, the clearer the truth becomes.
Two riot police officers expelled passengers waiting for the bus at a MongKok Road bus stop and threatened to arrest them. Riot police officers were gone when that male passenger said he had a lawyer
— Editorial Board CityUSU (@cityusuedb) September 8, 2019
a Fujianese gang was chasing our reporter with a steel rod and repeatedly moved toward him. No police was there to help.#hongkongprotest #chinazi #prayforhk #teargas #HumanRights #cityu #protest #FreedomHongKong #StandwithHK #StandWithHongKong #antielab— Editorial Board CityUSU (@cityusuedb) September 18, 2019
A protester got shot in the chest by bullet.#hongkongprotest #chinazi #prayforhk #teargas #HumanRights #cityu #protest #FreedomHongKong #StandwithHK #StandWithHongKong #antielab #??? #???? #weconnect #??? #?? #?? #??? #?? #?? #hongkong #??? #riotpolice
— Editorial Board CityUSU (@cityusuedb) October 1, 2019
Police pull the gun at close range and shot at the protestor in the chest.#hongkongprotest #chinazi #prayforhk #teargas #HumanRights #cityu #protest #FreedomHongKong #StandwithHK #StandWithHongKong #antielab #??? #???? #weconnect #?? #?? #hongkong #??? #riotpolice
— Editorial Board CityUSU (@cityusuedb) October 1, 2019
First Aider was violently arrested by police officers and forced to suppress the ground, his left arm was tilted back by riot police.#hongkongprotest #chinazi #prayforhk #teargas #HumanRights #cityu #protest #FreedomHongKong #StandwithHK #antielab #??? #riotpolice #???
— Editorial Board CityUSU (@cityusuedb) October 1, 2019
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.#China70years #china #hongkongprotest #chinazi #prayforhk #teargas #HumanRights #protest #FreedomHongKong #StandwithHK #antielab #??? #???? #weconnect #hongkong #??? #riotpolice #??? #???? #???? #CP
— Editorial Board CityUSU (@cityusuedb) October 1, 2019