Reprimen con lacrimógenas a opositores en distintos puntos de la capital este #1May (Video)

Reprimen con lacrimógenas a opositores en distintos puntos de la capital este #1May (Video)

Oficial de la PNB disparando bomba lacrimógena en dirección a manifestantes opositores en la avenida La Victoria el lunes 1 de mayor de 2017. Foto: AFP
Oficial de la PNB disparando bomba lacrimógena en dirección a manifestantes opositores en la avenida La Victoria el lunes 1 de mayor de 2017. Foto: AFP



Funcionarios de la Guardia Nacional Bolivariana (GNB) y la Policía Nacional Bolivariana (PNB) iniciaron en horas de la mañana de este lunes la represión con bombas lacrimógenas contra manifestantes de la oposición en distintos puntos de concentración de la ciudad capital, para impedir que la protesta se movilizara hasta las sedes del CNE y el TSJ como se tiene previsto.


La manifestación del oeste que fue convocada para concentrarse en la avenida Victoria, fue dispersada rápidamente a la altura de El Paraíso, informaron los diputados José Manuel Olivares, quien resultó herido en la cabeza por impacto de bomba lacrimógena, y Tomás Guanipa por vía de Twitter.

“Estoy en pie de lucha hasta que Maduro se vaya. Esto es una dictadura disfrazada”, expresó a la AFP Matilde Rodríguez, una habitante de Petare de 67 años.

Por su parte, el vicepresidente de la Asamblea Nacional, Freddy Guevara, informó de intentos por dispersar a las movilizaciones en los puntos de “Santa Mónica, la avenida Victoria, Montalbán y La O’higgins”. Ante esto, los manifestantes buscan reagruparse y tomar vías alternas a las bloqueadas por los piquetes de los cuerpos de seguridad del Estado y sus unidades antimotines.

Entretanto, miles de manifestantes se siguen congregando a lo largo y ancho de la avenida Francisco de Miranda, para intentar avanzar hasta la sede del Tribunal Supremo de Justicia (TSJ) en el centro de la ciudad. (

Lea también: En vivo: Represión de los cuerpos de seguridad deja al menos dos heridos este #1May

An opposition activist throws back tear gas during a march against President Nicolas Maduro, in Caracas on May 1, 2017. Security forces in riot vans blocked off central Caracas Monday as Venezuela braced for pro- and anti-government May Day protests one month after a wave of deadly political unrest erupted.  / AFP PHOTO / FEDERICO PARRA
An opposition activist throws back tear gas during a march against President Nicolas Maduro, in Caracas on May 1, 2017.
Security forces in riot vans blocked off central Caracas Monday as Venezuela braced for pro- and anti-government May Day protests one month after a wave of deadly political unrest erupted.


Venezuelan opposition activists clash with the police during a march against President Nicolas Maduro, in Caracas on May 1, 2017. Security forces in riot vans blocked off central Caracas Monday as Venezuela braced for pro- and anti-government May Day protests one month after a wave of deadly political unrest erupted.  / AFP PHOTO / RONALDO SCHEMIDT
Venezuelan opposition activists clash with the police during a march against President Nicolas Maduro, in Caracas on May 1, 2017.
Security forces in riot vans blocked off central Caracas Monday as Venezuela braced for pro- and anti-government May Day protests one month after a wave of deadly political unrest erupted.


Venezuelan opposition activists clash with the police during a march against President Nicolas Maduro, in Caracas on May 1, 2017. Security forces in riot vans blocked off central Caracas Monday as Venezuela braced for pro- and anti-government May Day protests one month after a wave of deadly political unrest erupted.  / AFP PHOTO / RONALDO SCHEMIDT
Venezuelan opposition activists clash with the police during a march against President Nicolas Maduro, in Caracas on May 1, 2017.
Security forces in riot vans blocked off central Caracas Monday as Venezuela braced for pro- and anti-government May Day protests one month after a wave of deadly political unrest erupted.



Venezuelan opposition activists protect themselves from tear gas shot by police during a march against President Nicolas Maduro, in Caracas on May 1, 2017. Security forces in riot vans blocked off central Caracas Monday as Venezuela braced for pro- and anti-government May Day protests one month after a wave of deadly political unrest erupted.  / AFP PHOTO / FEDERICO PARRA
Venezuelan opposition activists protect themselves from tear gas shot by police during a march against President Nicolas Maduro, in Caracas on May 1, 2017.
Security forces in riot vans blocked off central Caracas Monday as Venezuela braced for pro- and anti-government May Day protests one month after a wave of deadly political unrest erupted.


Opposition activists take part in a march against President Nicolas Maduro, in Caracas on May 1, 2017. Security forces in riot vans blocked off central Caracas Monday as Venezuela braced for pro- and anti-government May Day protests one month after a wave of deadly political unrest erupted.  / AFP PHOTO / FEDERICO PARRA
Opposition activists take part in a march against President Nicolas Maduro, in Caracas on May 1, 2017.
Security forces in riot vans blocked off central Caracas Monday as Venezuela braced for pro- and anti-government May Day protests one month after a wave of deadly political unrest erupted.